IPU Fonden
The History
IPU was founded as an independent non-profit institution in 1956 by 4 professors at DTU. IPU was short for Institute for Product Development (Instituttet for Produktudvikling).
“The purpose of IPU is to promote such research and to carry out such development projects which have a technical and scientific content, and which are of significant importance for Danish society and the Danish business community. It is also the purpose of the IPU Foundation to promote cooperation between DTU and the private as well as the public sector.” This is how it is stated in the statutes of IPU Foundation.
Over the years IPU has donated for more than 130 million DKK in gifts to DTU, supporting technology research and linking DTU researchers with industry.
The IPU Foundation established a new company structure in 2022 and created a new company IPU P/S where all business activities were placed. The IPU Foundation will always be the majority owner of IPU P/S according to statutes.
The Statutes of IPU Fonden has been changed in connection with the restructure in 2022:
Management of the IPU Foundation
Below is the legally required reports on the foundations compliance with the Recommendations on foundation governance.
The board of the IPU Foundation has concluded that all essential recommendations are being followed.
IPU’s redegørelse for god fondsledelse 2023
IPU’s redegørelse for god fondsledelse 2022
IPU’s redegørelse for god fondsledelse 2021
IPU’s redegørelse for god fondsledelse 2020
IPU’s redegørelse for god fondsledelse 2019
IPU’s redegørelse for god fondsledelse 2018
IPU’s redegørelse for god fondsledelse 2017
IPU’s redegørelse for god fondsledelse 2016
IPU’s redegørelse for god fondsledelse 2015
Policy for Distribution of Funds
As a non-profit commercial foundation IPU has a policy for distribution of funds which is in line with the purpose of the IPU Foundation to promote cooperation between DTU and the private as well as the public sector by promoting research and carry out development projects which have a technical and scientific content.