ELFORSK project reveals savings potential for industrial refrigeration

Optimized control of hot gas defrost systems can reduce the energy consumption by up to 90% shows the ELFORSK-project 347-033 "Optimisation of hot gas defrost for industrial refrigeration plants" conducted by IPU, Danfoss, Johnson Controls, Claus Sørensen A/S and Danish Crown.
Jorrit Wronski


Specialist Engineer, Thermodynamics and Energy Technology
M.Sc., Ph.D.

Phone: (+45) 45 16 04 26
Email: jowr@ipu.dk
blue and purple fire

Thermodynamics and Energy Technology

Analyzing, energy optimizing, modelling, and product development within the field of thermo-dynamic systems and energy solutions. Particular strong in modelling of cooling processes.

Modelling of Physical Systems

Development of digital models of physical system in order to perform simulations in a fast and safe enviroment. We develop digital twins, perform big data analyses, decision algorithms (AI) and visual pattern recognition