SecCool is a program for calculating, comparing and plotting thermophysical properties of secondary refrigerants.
About the project
SecCool is a package of programs consisting of three parts:
SecCool Properties. Program with user interface, allowing to calculate fluid properties with different concentrations, calculating friction and pressure drops in secondary side piping systems, and comparing different fluids.
SecCool Datafit. Program for adding new secondary refrigerants to the package
SecCool API. Two Windows 32-bit and 64-bit DLLs which can be used in your own programs, one DLL specifically for EES (Engineering Equation Solver, by F-Chart Software), and one general-purpose DLL.
The SecCool package is developed as part of the project DESIK (Energirigtig design og regulering af sekundærsiden på indirekte køleanlæg med naturlige kølemidler) financed by ELFORSK R&D (#334-001). The project period was from 2003-04-01 to 2005-12-31. Maintenance and hosting of the project since then has been done by IPU.
In most cases, the 64-bit version of SecCool is the standard choice, which requires 64-bit Windows, and allows integration with 64-bit software such as Excel, Matlab, EES64 etc.
If you have a 32-bit Windows computer, or need to integrate Download SecCool v2.0.2 for 32-bit (x86)with 32-bit software such as EES32, you can install the 32-bit version side-by-side:
Download SecCool v2.0.2 for 32-bit (x86)
v2.0.2 (June 17th, 2024)
Bug fix for 64-bit version calculating at high Reynolds numbers
v2.0 (May 2024)
Introduced support for 64-bit Windows programs.
New fluid data for CRANE Temper, replacing earlier ASPEN Temper data.
Updates for compatibility with current EES versions (32-bit and 64-bit).
If you are missing specific fluids, or are a manufacturer and would like your fluid data to be included in a new SecCool version, please get in touch. We can both assist with generating fluid files, or verify and include fluid files generated by yourselves with the SecCool Datafit tool.
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